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Security Code Recovery for XI Class Admission Applicants 2023

Security Code Recovery for XI Class Admission Applicants 2023: Recovering the Security Code for the XI Class Admission System is necessary if you have forgotten or lost the code sent by the Higher Secondary Admission authority. There’s no need to worry; I will guide you through the complete process of easily retrieving your college admission security code.

Here is the 3 easy steps your new college admission system (xiclassadmission) software’s security code. So, read the complete guide to get your one.

Security Code Recovery

It’s advisable to keep your Security Code or PIN code, provided by the College Admission Portal Bangladesh, in a notebook or a text editor on your device. However, circumstances may arise where you end up losing your security code.

In order to proceed to the next level of your XI Class Admission process, this code is essential. We are here to provide you with a comprehensive guide to the XI Class Admission Security Code Recovery system.

XI Class Admission System 2023 Security Code Recovery Steps

You need some important information before start this process. These are- SSC Exam Roll and Registration Number, Board Name, Passing Year, Mother’s Name, Payment Transaction number and contact mobile.

These data can found in SSC Admit Card and Payment Slip given by Mobile financial system or XI Class Admission Payment Methods.

Step-1: Login to XI Class Admission Gov BD Portal

Security Code Recovery for XI Class Admission Gov BD Portal

1. Go to xiclassadmission.gov.bd website from any of your computer or mobile device.

2. Click Security Code Recover button.

Step-2: Input Required Data

1. Input SSC, Dakhil / Equivalent Roll, Reg No in required field.

2. Select your Exam Board and passing year from drop-down box.

3. Write your mothers Name according to SSC Admit Card.

4. Collect your Application Payment Transaction Number and input in transaction box.

5. Put your contact number which is put when application was submitted.

6. Put real-time verification code. (Every time new code will be generated).

7. Click on Submit button to get your new previous XI Class Admission Security Code.

Final Step: Recover XIClassAdmission PIN/Security Code

If all submitted information are correct College Admission automated system give you a new or previous security code for XI Class Admission Applicants 2023.

Write it on your notepad or any where for access easily use in next time. Hope you done this properly. Stay with us for next urgent topic regarding this matter.


Hope you will done Security Code Recovery for XI Class Admission Applicants 2023. XI Class Admission Application security code is most important for applicant. It will be need to update your existing Application, Re-order choice list, Apply for migration and Selection confirmation.

If you lost your one, I hope this article helped you. Thank you for staying us. Share this info with your friends to help them.

Source: XI Class Admission Guideline (http://xiclassadmission.gov.bd/Notice_2023/Nitimala_2023.pdf)

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